June 27, 2024

All good things eventually end the Sox streak of 12 games ended Wednesday evening when they lost 11-8 to the Saskatoon Berries. With the loss the Sox record goes to 18-6.

The Sox trailed the game early going down 3-0 in the first inning as Sox starter Holden Hungerford was in trouble early. Saskatoon added singles in the 2nd and 3rd innings before Regina tallied 3 in the top of the 5th.  Regina scored 2 runs in the top of the 7th to tie the game at 5-5. Sox reliever Josh Castillo gave up 2 runs in the bottom of the 7th and eventually was tagged with the loss in the game. Brandon Rice and Zander Oudie-Senger finished pitching the game and allowed 4 runs combined.


The managed to get 15 hits in the game and scored 8 runs but that wasn’t enough on this night. Kody Hanna (Player of the game) added another 3 RBI to his total of 34 RBI on the year. Justin Carinci had another 3-hit night, going 3 for 5 and scoring 2 runs. Jalen Meyers went 3 for 5 with 2 RBI and Diego Aragon and Jackson Romero had 2 hits each.

The Sox play the Berries again tonight before returning home Friday, Saturday and Sunday.




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